ETSI Webinar: SDG OpenCAPIF Release 1 Overview

September 17, 2024

Did you miss the ETSI SDG OpenCAPIF Release 1 Overview Webinar? No worries, recording is now available on demand!

OpenCAPIF is an ETSI Software Development Group developing an open source Common API Framework as defined by 3GGP, allowing to expose and consume APIs in a secure and consistent day. This webinar provided an overview of the project scope, and the latest changes published in OpenCAPIF Release 1.

A demonstration was also provided showcasing how CAPIF Invokers and Providers can be used with this new OpenCAPIF Release.

The webinar was presented by

  • David Artunedo, Telefonica, OpenCAPIF Chair,
  • Jorge Moratinos, Telefonica, OpenCAPIF TSC Chair,
  • Stavros Charismiadis, Fogus, OpenCAPIF TSC Member,
  • Pelayo Torres, Telefonica, OpenCAPIF Member

Watch the Webinar: OpenCAPIF Release 1 Overview

To Learn More About OpenCAPIF Release 1