February 02, 2024
The kick-off of the group took place in Madrid, on January 18, 2024. Representatives from ETSI, Telefonica, University of Malaga, and Fogus Innovations and Services met at Telefonica premises, supported by the remote participation from all the founding members.
During the Kick-off, the group elected their Leadership Group (Chair and Vice Chair) for the next 2 years, and the Technical Steering Committee for the first release cycle, see the OCF LG and TSC teams composition here.
The group discussed and approved the OCF Detailed Working Procedures, which describe the governance and decision making processes for all code related activities.
Also, the code seeds, developed in the context of previous research projects were approved. During the afternoon, after discussing the roadmap, an OpenCAPIF Demo was provided to the kick-off attendees and other interested parties.
The group starts its journey with a high initial velocity due to a number of parallel and supportive activities that were conducted in preparation of the kick-off.
Already, a number of research and innovations projects funded under the EC program Horizon Europe have expressed interest to Join the OpenCAPIF Research Ecosystem and adopt OpenCAPIF as their main API manager, covering domains that range from the exposure of northbound APIs of network core to efficient federation of experimentation platforms.
In an era where API interactions are everywhere; from the telecom domain (see the Service Based Architecture paradigm) to software engineering (see the microservice programming paradigm) OpenCAPIF becomes a fundamental piece, due to its integral characteristics, namely: interoperability, discoverability, and security.
Engage with us! Participation in SDG OpenCAPIF is open to all and free for ETSI members, SMEs, Universities, Public Research Bodies, User and Trade Associations and individuals. All an organization needs to do to join OCF is e-sign the SDG OCF Agreement. Individuals can contribute or provide feedback on OpenCAPIF code by creating an OCF Individual Account. Learn more.
Have a look at the code! The OpenCAPIFcode is hosted in the ETSI Labs! Release 0 builds on the code seeds and validation activities performed in the context of EVOLVED-5G and 6G-SANDBOX research projects, which achieved several integrations with API providers, and API invokers.
Getting started with OpenCAPIF! The basics on the CAPIF functionality and the implementation approach are explained in the OpenCAPIF Overview video.