OpenCAPIF Research Ecosystem

OpenCAPIF enables experimentation, prototyping and validation for research projects and industry. Find here after research activities using or contributing to OpenCAPIF.


1/1/2023 - 31/12/2025

6G-SANDBOX brings a complete and modular facility for the European experimentation ecosystem which is expected to support for the next decade technology and research validation processes needed in the pathway towards 6G. The target is to technologies and research advances, that span over the entire service provisioning chain, and refer to user/data, control and management planes. In this direction, 6G-SANDBOX introduces the concept of Trial Networks, which refers to fully configurable, manageable, and controlled end-to-end networks, composed of both digital and physical nodes. As part of the 6G-SANDBOX approach, an API framework is foreseen for enabling communication among the various layers of the facility, ii) between the facility and the experimenters, as well as iii) for the interfacing with other facilities. As such, the 6G-SANDBOX API Framework will be designed and developed, where its security and authentication principles will be based on the ETSI SDG OpenCAPIF implementation.


1/1/2024 - 31/12/2026

The ENVELOPE project (SNS call 2, Stream D) is a Horizon Europe project that aims to advance and open up the reference 5G advanced architecture and transform it into a vertical-oriented one. It builds on the success of previous Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM)-related and SNS projects and it will deliver 3 large scale Beyond 5G (B5G) trial sites in Italy, Netherlands and Greece. ENVELOPE aims to support CAM vertical services and beyond, with advanced exposure capabilities and functionalities tailored to the services’ needs. In some of the ENVELOPE use cases, those exposure capabilities will utilize OpenCAPIF as API manager when the vertical-oriented services are hosted in untrusted domains. The use of OpenCAPIF will be showcased in the Greek Trial Site.


1/1/2023 - 31/12/2025

FIDAL is one of the 4 projects that are implementing large-scale SNS trials and pilots focusing on verticals with high economic and societal impact. By allowing industry players to perform advanced technological and business validation in large-scale field trials, FIDAL is contributing to cultivating the ground to future 6G technology.


1/1/2024 - 31/12/2026

IMAGINE-B5G aims to create an advanced and accessible end-to-end 5G platform for Large-Scale Trials and Pilots, providing a set of beyond 5G applications, enabled by the integration of advanced 5G disrupting technologies. The project brings together four advanced 5G experimental facilities, in Norway, Spain, Portugal and France. The project will support advanced 3GPP features which are crucial for implementation of private networks under real-life operational conditions to enable advanced 5G services which are driven by the industrial needs and requirements of a wide variety of verticals. The functionalities built into the B5G platform will enable these advanced 5G vertical applications to be demonstrated at scale and will allow the project to identify and validate new 5G KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and KVIs (Key Value Indicators). The project has available 4.4M€ budget for cascade funding to on-board third parties via open-calls to extend the platform and to perform vertical experiments. The project is envisioned to become an incubator for SMEs, scaleups and start-ups, facilitating technology innovations and a diverse set of advanced 5G applications, services and ecosystem developments.


1/1/2024 - 31/12/2026

ORIGAMI sets forth an ambitious update of the mobile network architectural model via the introduction of three architectural innovations aimed to removing critical barriers for 6g services to flourish: Global Service-based Architecture (GSBA), Zero-Trust Exposure Layer (ZTL), and Compute Continuum Layer (CCL). 6G envisions unprecedented levels of network customization driven by third-party players. Verticals and other stakeholders will be able to securely program virtual networks in zero-trust arenas; an approach that will enable innovative high-value applications as well as creative business models. To this end, the development of ZTL is intended to enable vertical tenants or other MNOs to program (slices of) the mobile network tailored to their requirements and sustain streamlined global operations. In this context, OpenCAPIF will play a pivotal role in ORIGAMI by enabling consistent API exposure that are related to encompass the lack of a global horizontal exposure capability across different telco domains.


1/1/2024 - 31/12/2026

SAFE-6G aims to establish a native, user-centric AI/ML cognitive trustworthiness framework. This framework is designed to facilitate the delivery of future 6G critical services sustainably, ensuring safety, security, privacy, reliability, and resilience. To realize this vision, it is crucial to prioritize the openness of network cores and the exposure of capabilities through standardized 3GPP APIs. This approach fosters tighter integration and seamless cooperation between vertical networks. In this context, OpenCAPIF will play a pivotal role in SAFE-6G by enabling consistent API exposure that are related to the service mesh networking and the AI-resource orchestration, so that the Cognitive trustworthiness framework could in the end gain awareness of the runtime conditions of the network and therefore to be able to perform the necessary adaptations in order to realise and maintain a pre-defined level of trust.


1/1/2024 - 31/12/2026

SUNRISE-6G provides a scalable, open and standards-compliant approach to experimentation and vertical application deployment in a pan-European Federation of 6G infrastructures, that provides access to a comprehensive library of 6G enablers. As part of the Federation Framework of the project, towards a secure and trusted exposure of internal testbed APIs (especially when they belong to different trust domains, e.g., in cases of nodes that act as Aggregators of local testbeds). SUNRISE-6G is considering the use of the CAPIF framework as implemented by ETSI SDG OpenCAPIF.


01/06/2023 - 01/06/2025

NaaS-6G (Network as a Service) is a UNICO 5G Innovation project aimed at defining, implementing, and validating the necessary models to support the deployment and operation of future telecommunications networks (5G+ and 6G). In particular, it includes the capability to integrate new services into ETSI SDG OpenCAPIF through a web interface, allowing for a simple onboarding process.

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