OpenCAPIF API Invoker Ecosystem



5G-SIEM is a Network Application for 5G Security Information and Event Management. 5G-SIEM simplifies the process of integrating information from a 5G non-public network (NPN) into a Security Information and Event Management system (SIEM). Given that 5G NPNs amplify the demand for a robust security and control system, this application can facilitate and streamline the information flow to and from the network to third-party entities. The 5G-SIEM is able to leverage any exposed API from any network domain. In this view, OpenCAPIF has been used as an API management authority for testing 5G-SIEM interaction with 5G network core, allowing a seamlessly and securely discovery and consumption of NEF APIs"

Nemergent Solutions


MC-VAL brings the Mission Critical Vertical Application Layer (VAL) as validator of the functions and APIs exposed by the MC-SEAL stratum following Service Enabler Architecture Layer (SEAL) architecture. Thus, MC-VAL depends on having an available MC-SEAL in the system that is registered in CAPIF together with all the APIs. MC-VAL could validate all available functions or a subset of them depending on the specific vertical needs. Among its functionalities, MC-SEAL provides access to APIs to handle management servers like identity, key, configuration or group application functions. Additionally, it offers access to location info and its management, plus functions like analytics or notification service.

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