Release Notes
Release 2.0.0
New Features
3GPP CAPIF release 18
- New endpoints included in new release 18 with new logic.
- New logic to support Vendor Extensibility on Publish Service.
- New logic to support API Status feature on Publish and Events Services.
- Supported Features now are mandatory for all POST and PUT Requests as is described on TS 29.222.
- Possible Breaking change, all POST request now must include supported features attribute, default can me set to "0" to keep all features inactive.
- Possible Breaking change on Events API, if you need eventDetails information on notification you must activate Enhanced Event Report feature by setting properly the supported features flag.
Technical Debt Solved
Api Status feature
- Events API:
- Event internal notifications between services improved to accomplish specification.
- On event subscription SupportedFeatures is readed and stored in db to accomplish specification.
- Also SupportedFeatures is checked before send event notification, in order to accomplish specification, sending eventDetails and related information according to enhanced_event_report and apiStatusMonitoring supported features activated.
- Solved issue to get ready REDIS on deployment: REDIS scheduled on start to allow receive notification since service is deployed.
- Solved problem removing service APIs published is provider register more than one APF.
- Solved Superadmin problem deleting service API published through helper service if provider is not present.
- Increased the overall stability, fixing some corner cases.
- Location headers now are filled in same way at all services that needs it.
- Security issues solved.
- Base docker images present on ETSI registry.
- Robot image uploaded to ETSI Registry.
Local Scripts
- All scripts were reviewed and improved.
- New scripts to manage users on local deployment added:
- helps developer to create new users in local deployment.
- helps developer to remove users from db in local deployment.
Remote Scripts
New scripts developed to help on remote deployment, configuration and testing. All this script are stored under helm/scripts in capif repository. contains all configuration that will be used on remote operation. This file must be filled carefully before run remote scripts.
Deployment Scripts:
- Deploy Vault component from k8s cluster, only needed if vault is not previously deployed. If it’s deployed you can setup vault token on
- Deploy monitoring on k8s cluster.
- Deploy OpenCAPIF on k8s cluster. It will be deployed on configured namespace with domain and hostnames configured under
- Rollback Vault component from k8s cluster.
- Rollback monitoring components from k8s cluster.
- Rollback OpenCAPIF from k8s cluster.
Manage remote users:
- This script create users setup by parameters on deployed OpenCAPIF. Those users are created by administrator.
- This script removes user from deployed OpenCAPIF.
- This script removes users by prefix.
Configuration of bastion machine, this simplify DNS fixed resolution:
- This create a configuration for dns fixed resolution for ingress configured in namespace passed by parameters.
- This scripts adds to /etc/hosts the fixed DNS resolution for ingress setup for namespace passed by parameters.
Execute robot tests over remote deployment.
- This scripts launch Robot Test docker image on current machine to reach deployed OpenCAPIF. Is useful to launch with “--include smoke” in order to ensure all is deployed properly.
Just for testing, next scripts upload dummy information to deployed OpenCAPIF:
- : Create Dummy providers and invokers, publish service APIs and creates security context for invokers.
- Remove dummy information created.
New test included on documentation
- New Vendor Extensibility test suite with 9 tests. Api Events Service
- New API Status feature test suite.
- Improved Events test suite with 8 new tests.
- Test plan updated with default supported features for all request set to "0" (all inactive by default) See common operations.
Release 1.0.0
New Features
Registration Flow improved
- Eliminated access from CAPIF to the Register user database when onboarding is performed.
- Isolation between CCF and Register services, interaction now is only by HTTPS requested between Register, CCF and Vault.
- Eliminated the "role" in user creation.
- Now a user can be an invoker or a provider at the same time
- Administrator User:
- New entity in charge of registering and managing users of the register service.
- UUID to identify users.
- When you create a user, a uuid is associated with it
- The uuid will be contained in the token requested by the user and will be used to relate invokers and providers with users.
- Endpoints changed and created:
- Administrator endpoints:
- /createUser: /register endpoint changed to createUser. Used to register new users.
- /deleteUser: /remove endpoint changed to this. Used to delete users and all the entities they had created.
- /login: Allows administrator to log in to obtain the necessary tokens for their requests.
- /refresh: Retrieve new access token token.
- /getUsers: Returns the list with all registered users.
- Customer User:
- /getauth now also returns the urls needed to use CAPIF, used by customer.
- Administrator endpoints:
Security improvements:
- /login uses basic auth with administrator credentials.
- /getauth uses basic auth with customer user credentials.
- Other requests use the administrator access token obtained from login.
Current fields on user creation by administrator:
required_fields = {
"username": str,
"password": str,
"enterprise": str,
"country": str,
"email": str,
"purpose": str
optional_fields = {
"phone_number": str,
"company_web": str,
"description": str
- Test plan has been updated with the new register flow. Please check OCF Registration Flow
- Video with explanation and demonstration of new register flow New Registration Demo
New OpenCAPIF architecture
- New arquitecture with separated namespaces for Vault, CCF and Register components. Communication between them now are only allowed by using REST APIs.
New helper service inside CCF, it will simplify integration with third parties like external management portals.
Helper endpoints:
- /getInvokers : Get the list of invokers from CAPIF
- /getProviders: Get the list of providers from CAPIF
- /getServices : Get the list of services published in CAPIF
- /getSecurityContext : Get the list of security contexts from CAPIF
- /getEvents : Get the list of events subscriptions from CAPIF
- /deleteEntities: Removes all entities registered by a user from the register
Security in the helper
- To make requests to the helper you will need a superadmin certificate and password.
Events API Upgrade
- The event management at CCF is improved, EventNotification include Event Details with required information.
- Events updated:
- SERVICE_API_UPDATE with serviceAPIDescriptions
- Events Included:
- Test plan include 7 new tests in order to check new events implemented and scenarios of each notification implemented, with a complete check of Event Notification.
- Test plan documentation includes the new event tests OCF Event test plan documentation.
Inital implementation of CI/CD
- The inital implementation of CI/CD on gitlab was performed.
- Detailed information in the CICD Wiki.
- Implement initial CI/CD:
- Description of the CI process.
- In CI phase, created design, jobs and security checks when a branch is pushed.
- The CI has jobs as:
- Linting code, unit test (if needed),
- Build and push artifacts (images) in Git OCI register
- Security checks,
- The vulnerabilities are exposed in Merge Request panel to be solved.
- Description of the CD process:
- Defined the environments to OCF.
- Production env.
- Pre-production env.
- Validation env.
- Dev-1, dev-2… envs (ephemeral)
- Defined the naming convention to OCF releases
- Tag in prod: v0.0.1-release
- Tag non-prod: v0.0.1-rc
- Other tags: v0.0.1-test, v0.0.1-smt
- Defined the jobs of CD
- CD ensures the deployment in multiple envs. Therefore, the CD pipeline has deploy-ocf, delete-ocf (if needed) jobs
- Defined the environments to OCF.
- Designed, created and the Kuberntes OCF cluster is running to support OCFs deployments.
- Iterating with ETSI HIVE’s support to solve computing issues.
- CPU compatibilities with OCF services (MongoDB): Fixed
- Description of the CI process.
Improvements on documentation
- Documentation stored in OCF Documentation Repository
- Continuous Integration included at repository for web documentation:
- Develop version of documentation is automatically generated on each merge to develop branch.
- Tagged version from main create documentation with related tag as version.
Technical Debt Solved
Improved Testing with Robot in order to cover
- Support of new Register flows.
- Allow different URLs for register, ccf and vault services.
- New Variables included to manage new architecture under test.
- Mock server developed to add the functionality of write tests involving notification from Service Under Test.
- Docker image improved generation and libraries upgraded to Robot Framework 7.
Improved security on DB
- Credentials requested to access mongo databases.
- Credentials requested also by mongo-express.
Scripts upgraded
- Docker compose version 2 used on them.
- New cleaning script developed.
- Scripts upgraded:
- Checks if all essential services (Vault, CCF and Register) are running.
- Shutdowns and removes all services essential services.
- Removes temporaly files from local repository.
- Launch Essential services locally using docker compose, also monitoring can be launched.
- Launch Robot Framwork Tests.
- Show locally logs of Services running.
- Launch mock server locally on all interfaces. This axiliary server is only used by tagged mockserver tests on Robot Framework.
- Remove mock server local deployment.
- This script simplify the way to download capif repository.
Codebase Improvements
- Documentation is now on splitted repository OCF Documentation Repository
- Test plan was moved to OCF Documentation Repository
- Obsolote data is removed.
- Repository Reorganization: Enhanced structure and maintainability with a better directory layout and clearer module separation.
- Code Quality Enhancements: Refactored code and fixed known issues
Migration to GUNICORN
- Include production server on each microservice: Release 0 use Flask developer server, now we use GUNICORN.
Release 0.0
The APIs included in Release 0.0 are:
- JWT Authentication APIs
- CAPIF Invoker Management API
- CAPIF Publish API
- CAPIF Discover API
- CAPIF Security API
- CAPIF Events API
- CAPIF Provider Management API
This Release also includes a Robot Test Suite for all those services and a Postman Test Suite for simple testing.