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Common Operations

Register new user

In order to use OpenCAPIF we must add a new user. This new user can onboard/register any Invokers or Providers.

That new user must be created by administrator of Register Service and with the credentials shared by administrator, the new user can get the access_token by requesting it to Register service.

The steps to register a new user at Register Service are:

Admin create User

1) Login as Admin to get access_token:

  • Send POST to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/login
    • Include basic Auth Header with Admin credentials
  • Get access_token and refresh_token from response


2) Create User:

  • Send POST to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/createUser


User Retrieve access token and other information

1) Retrieve access_token by User:

  • Send GET to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/getauth
    • Include basic Auth Header with User credentials
  • Retrieve access_token and the urls needed for next requests from response body user_getauth_response_body_example


Onboard an Invoker

Steps to perform operation

Preconditions: The administrator must have previously registered the User.

  1. Create public and private key at invoker
  2. Retrieve access_token by User:

    • Send GET to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/getauth
    • Include basic Auth Header with Admin user/password
    • Retrieve access_token and the urls needed for next requests from response body user_getauth_response_body_example
  3. Onboard Invoker:

    • Send POST to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invoker-management/v1/onboardedInvokers
    • Reference Request Body: invoker onboarding body
    • "onboardingInformation"->"apiInvokerPublicKey": must contain public key generated by Invoker.
    • Send in Authorization Header the Bearer access_token obtained previously (Authorization:Bearer ${access_token})

Checks to ensure onboarding

  1. Response to Get Auth:

    1. 200 OK
    2. access_token returned.
  2. Response to Onboard request must accomplish:

    1. 201 Created
    2. Response Body must follow APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails data structure with:
      • apiInvokerId
      • onboardingInformation->apiInvokerCertificate must contain the public key signed.
    3. Response Header Location must be received with URI to new resource created, following this structure: {apiRoot}/api-invoker-management/{apiVersion}/onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}

Example Flow


Register a Provider

Steps to Perform operation

  1. Create public and private key at provider for provider itself and each function (apf, aef and amf)
  2. Retrieve access_token by User:

    • Send GET to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/getauth
    • Include basic Auth Header with Admin user/password
    • Retrieve access_token and the urls needed for next requests from response body user_getauth_response_body_example
  3. Register Provider:

    • Send POST https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-provider-management/v1/registrations
    • body provider request body
    • Send in Authorization Header the Bearer access_token obtained previously (Authorization:Bearer ${access_token})
    • Store each cert in a file with according name.

Checks to ensure provider registration

  1. Response to Register:

    1. 201 Created
  2. Response to Get Auth:

    1. 200 OK
    2. access_token returned.
  3. Register Provider at Provider Management:

    1. 201 Created response.
    2. body returned must accomplish APIProviderEnrolmentDetails data structure.
    3. For each apiProvFuncs, we must check:
      1. apiProvFuncId is set
      2. apiProvCert under regInfo is set properly
    4. Location Header must contain the new resource URL {apiRoot}/api-provider-management/v1/registrations/{registrationId}

Example Flow
