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Common Operations

Default Supported Features

By default all required supported features on POST Request will be present and set to "0" unless test define it with other value. Also it can be set to NONE is we want to test supported features not present.

Register new user

In order to use OpenCAPIF we must add a new user. This new user can onboard/register any Invokers or Providers.

That new user must be created by administrator of Register Service and with the credentials shared by administrator, the new user can get the access_token by requesting it to Register service.

The steps to register a new user at Register Service are:

Admin create User

1) Login as Admin to get access_token:

  • Send POST to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/login
    • Include basic Auth Header with Admin credentials
  • Get access_token and refresh_token from response


2) Create User:

  • Send POST to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/createUser


User Retrieve access token and other information

1) Retrieve access_token by User:

  • Send GET to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/getauth
    • Include basic Auth Header with User credentials
  • Retrieve access_token and the urls needed for next requests from response body user_getauth_response_body_example


Onboard an Invoker

Steps to perform operation

Preconditions: The administrator must have previously registered the User.

  1. Create public and private key at invoker
  2. Retrieve access_token by User:

    • Send GET to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/getauth
    • Include basic Auth Header with Admin user/password
    • Retrieve access_token and the urls needed for next requests from response body user_getauth_response_body_example
  3. Onboard Invoker:

    • Send POST to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invoker-management/v1/onboardedInvokers
    • Reference Request Body: invoker onboarding body
    • "onboardingInformation"->"apiInvokerPublicKey": must contain public key generated by Invoker.
    • Send in Authorization Header the Bearer access_token obtained previously (Authorization:Bearer ${access_token})

Checks to ensure onboarding

  1. Response to Get Auth:

    1. 200 OK
    2. access_token returned.
  2. Response to Onboard request must accomplish:

    1. 201 Created
    2. Response Body must follow APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails data structure with:
      • apiInvokerId
      • onboardingInformation->apiInvokerCertificate must contain the public key signed.
    3. Response Header Location must be received with URI to new resource created, following this structure: {apiRoot}/api-invoker-management/{apiVersion}/onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}

Example Flow


Register a Provider

Steps to Perform operation

  1. Create public and private key at provider for provider itself and each function (apf, aef and amf)
  2. Retrieve access_token by User:

    • Send GET to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/getauth
    • Include basic Auth Header with Admin user/password
    • Retrieve access_token and the urls needed for next requests from response body user_getauth_response_body_example
  3. Register Provider:

    • Send POST https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-provider-management/v1/registrations
    • body provider request body
    • Send in Authorization Header the Bearer access_token obtained previously (Authorization:Bearer ${access_token})
    • Store each cert in a file with according name.

Checks to ensure provider registration

  1. Response to Register:

    1. 201 Created
  2. Response to Get Auth:

    1. 200 OK
    2. access_token returned.
  3. Register Provider at Provider Management:

    1. 201 Created response.
    2. body returned must accomplish APIProviderEnrolmentDetails data structure.
    3. For each apiProvFuncs, we must check:
      1. apiProvFuncId is set
      2. apiProvCert under regInfo is set properly
    4. Location Header must contain the new resource URL {apiRoot}/api-provider-management/v1/registrations/{registrationId}

Example Flow


Subscribe to Events

Subscription to an Event by any entity (Invoker, Provider or other CCF), will ensure when subscription is matched one event will be sent to notification destination present on subscription creation.

How to create a subscription

In order to create a subcription, customer must setup some different parameters.

Basic Subscription

Basic subcription will be used when Enhanced_event_report feature is not active at supportedFeatures attribute at event subscription request body, this means this kind of subcription:

  • Won't be filtered by eventFilters.
  • Reporting specific requierements won't be enable (eventReq).
  • Response will only contains basic information without eventDetail.

With this in mind, customer must select next parameters:

Events to subscribe

Select event or events to subscribe. Check from next list:

Event Description Status
SERVICE_API_AVAILABLE Events related to the availability of service APIs after the service APIs are published. Implemented
SERVICE_API_UNAVAILABLE Events related to the unavailability of service APIs after the service APIs are unpublished. Implemented
SERVICE_API_UPDATE Events related to change in service API information. Implemented
API_INVOKER_ONBOARDED Events related to API invoker onboarded to CAPIF. Implemented
API_INVOKER_OFFBOARDED Events related to API invoker offboarded from CAPIF. Implemented
SERVICE_API_INVOCATION_SUCCESS Events related to the successful invocation of service APIs. Implemented
SERVICE_API_INVOCATION_FAILURE Events related to the failed invocation of service APIs. Implemented
ACCESS_CONTROL_POLICY_UPDATE Events related to the update for the access control policy related to the service APIs. Implemented
ACCESS_CONTROL_POLICY_UNAVAILABLE Events related to the unavailability of the access control policy related to the service APIs (NOTE). Implemented
API_INVOKER_AUTHORIZATION_REVOKED Events related to the revocation of the authorization of API invokers to access the service APIs. (NOTE). Implemented
API_INVOKER_UPDATED Events related to API invoker profile updated to CAPIF. Implemented
API_TOPOLOGY_HIDING_CREATED Events related to the creation or update of the API topology hiding information of the service API after the service APIs are published. Not Implemented
API_TOPOLOGY_HIDING_REVOKED Events related to the revocation of the API topology information of the service API after the service APIs are unpublished. Not Implemented

NOTE: 3GPP Common API Framework release 19 specs not specify further details (e.g event filters) for this event.

Notification Destination

Enhanced Subscription

Enhanced will be the requiered subscription if customer needs one or more next functionality:

  • Filter events. (eventFilters)
  • Setup some reporting requirements. (eventReq)
  • Get more detailed information when event notification is received (eventDetail on response)

If that is the case, then event subscription request body must setup supported features with Enhanced_event_report feature active (feature 3)

With this feature active, customer can send eventFilter and EventReq with required information.

Event Filter

We can include an array for each suscribed array with desired eventFilter to be applied, but we need to keep in mind not all events allows all filters, take a look to next table:

Event Event filter allowed
Event Req

Currently not implemented

Steps to Perform operation

  1. Perform invoker onboarding or provider registration
  2. Event Subscription:
    1. Send POST to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/capif-events/v1/{subscriberId}/subscriptions
    2. body event subscription request body
    3. Use Invoker Certificate or AMF Provider Certificate

Checks to ensure provider registration

  1. Response to Event Subscription must accomplish:
    1. 201 Created
    2. The URI of the created resource shall be returned in the "Location" HTTP header, following this structure: {apiRoot}/capif-events/{apiVersion}/{subscriberId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
    3. Response Body must follow EventSubscription data structure.