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Test Plan for CAPIF Api Logging Service

At this documentation you will have all information and related files and examples of test plan for this API.

Test Case 1: Creates a new individual CAPIF Log Entry.

Test ID: capif_api_logging-1


This test case will check that a CAPIF AEF can create log entry to Logging Service


  • CAPIF provider is pre-authorised (has valid aefId from CAPIF Authority)
  • Service exist in CAPIF
  • Invoker exist in CAPIF

Execution Steps: 1. Register Provider and Invoker CCF 2. Publish Service 3. Create Log Entry

Information of Test:

  1. Perform provider onboarding and invoker onboarding

  2. Publish Service API at CCF:

    • Send POST to ccf_publish_url https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/published-apis/v1/{apfId}/service-apis
    • body [service api description] with apiName service_1
    • Use APF Certificate
  3. Log Entry:

    1. Send POST to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invocation-logs/v1/{aefId}/logs
    2. body log entry request body
    3. Use AEF Certificate

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Logging Service must accomplish:
    1. 201 Created
    2. Response Body must follow InvocationLog data structure with:
      • aefId
      • apiInvokerId
      • logs
    3. Response Header Location must be received with URI to new resource created, following this structure: {apiRoot}/api-invocation-logs/v1/{aefId}/logs/{logId}

Test Case 2: Creates a new individual CAPIF Log Entry with Invalid aefId

Test ID: capif_api_logging-2


This test case will check that a CAPIF subscriber (AEF) cannot create Log Entry without valid aefId


  • CAPIF provider is not pre-authorised (has not valid aefId from CAPIF Authority)
  • Service exist in CAPIF
  • Invoker exist in CAPIF

Execution Steps: 1. Register Provider and Invoker CCF 2. Publish Service 3. Create Log Entry

Information of Test:

  1. Perform provider onboarding and invoker onboarding

  2. Publish Service API at CCF:

    • Send POST to ccf_publish_url https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/published-apis/v1/{apfId}/service-apis
    • body [service api description] with apiName service_1
    • Use APF Certificate
  3. Log Entry:

    1. Send POST to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invocation-logs/v1/{not-valid-aefId}/logs
    2. body log entry request body
    3. Use AEF Certificate

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Logging Service must accomplish:
    1. 404 Not Found
    2. Error Response Body must accomplish with ProblemDetails data structure with:
      • status 404
      • title with message "Not Found"
      • detail with message "Exposer not exist".
      • cause with message "Exposer id not found".

Test Case 3: Creates a new individual CAPIF Log Entry with Invalid serviceAPI

Test ID: capif_api_logging-3


This test case will check that a CAPIF subscriber (AEF) cannot create Log Entry without valid aefId


  • CAPIF subscriber is pre-authorised (has valid aefId from CAPIF Authority)

Execution Steps: 1. Register Provider and Invoker CCF 2. Publish Service 3. Create Log Entry

Information of Test:

  1. Perform provider onboarding and invoker onboarding

  2. Publish Service API at CCF:

    • Send POST to ccf_publish_url https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/published-apis/v1/{apfId}/service-apis
    • body [service api description] with apiName service_1
    • Use APF Certificate
  3. Log Entry:

    1. Send POST to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invocation-logs/v1/{aefId}/logs
    2. body [log entry request body with serviceAPI apiName apiId not valid]
    3. Use AEF Certificate

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Logging Service must accomplish:
    1. 404 Not Found
    2. Error Response Body must accomplish with ProblemDetails data structure with:
      • status 404
      • title with message "Not Found"
      • detail with message "Invoker not exist".
      • cause with message "Invoker id not found".

Test Case 4: Creates a new individual CAPIF Log Entry with Invalid apiInvokerId

Test ID: capif_api_logging-4


This test case will check that a CAPIF subscriber (AEF) cannot create Log Entry without valid aefId


  • CAPIF subscriber is pre-authorised (has valid aefId from CAPIF Authority)

Execution Steps: 1. Register Provider and Invoker CCF 2. Publish Service 3. Create Log Entry

Information of Test:

  1. Perform provider onboarding and invoker onboarding

  2. Publish Service API at CCF:

    • Send POST to ccf_publish_url https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/published-apis/v1/{apfId}/service-apis
    • body [service api description] with apiName service_1
    • Use APF Certificate
  3. Log Entry:

    1. Send POST to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invocation-logs/v1/{aefId}/logs
    2. body [log entry request body with invokerId not valid]
    3. Use AEF Certificate

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Onboard request must accomplish:

    1. 201 Created response.
    2. body returned must accomplish APIProviderEnrolmentDetails data structure.
    3. For each apiProvFuncs, we must check:
      1. apiProvFuncId is set
      2. apiProvCert under regInfo is set properly
    4. Location Header must contain the new resource URL {apiRoot}/api-provider-management/v1/registrations/{registrationId}
  2. Response to Logging Service must accomplish:

    1. 404 Not Found
    2. Error Response Body must accomplish with ProblemDetails data structure with:
      • status 404
      • title with message "Not Found"
      • detail with message "Invoker not exist".
      • cause with message "Invoker id not found".
  3. Log Entry are not stored in CAPIF Database

Test Case 5: Creates a new individual CAPIF Log Entry with Invalid aefId in body

Test ID: capif_api_logging-5


This test case will check that a CAPIF subscriber (AEF) cannot create Log Entry without valid aefId in body


  • CAPIF provider is pre-authorised (has valid apfId from CAPIF Authority)
  • Service exist in CAPIF
  • Invoker exist in CAPIF

Execution Steps: 1. Register Provider and Invoker CCF 2. Publish Service 3. Create Log Entry

Information of Test:

  1. Perform provider onboarding and invoker onboarding

  2. Publish Service API at CCF:

    • Send POST to ccf_publish_url https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/published-apis/v1/{apfId}/service-apis
    • body [service api description] with apiName service_1
    • Use APF Certificate
  3. Log Entry:

    1. Send POST to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invocation-logs/v1/{aefId}/logs
    2. body [log entry request body with bad aefId]
    3. Use AEF Certificate

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Logging Service must accomplish:
    1. 401 Unauthorized
    2. Error Response Body must accomplish with ProblemDetails data structure with:
      • status 401
      • title with message "Unauthorized"
      • detail with message "AEF id not matching in request and body".
      • cause with message "Not identical AEF id".