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Test Plan for CAPIF Api Invoker Management

At this documentation you will have all information and related files and examples of test plan for this API.

Test Case 1: Onboard Network App

Test ID: capif_api_invoker_management-1


This test will try to register new Network App at CAPIF Core.


  • Network App was not registered previously
  • Network App was not onboarded previously
  • Preconditions: The administrator must have previously registered the User.

Execution Steps:

  1. Retrieve access_token by User from register
  2. Onboard Invoker at CCF
  3. Store signed Certificate

Information of Test:

  1. Create public and private key at invoker

  2. Retrieve access_token by User:

    • Send GET to https://${CAPIF_REGISTER}:${CAPIF_REGISTER_PORT}/getauth
    • Include basic Auth Header with Admin user/password
    • Retrieve access_token and the urls needed for next requests from response body user_getauth_response_body_example
  3. Onboard Invoker:

    • Send POST to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invoker-management/v1/onboardedInvokers
    • Reference Request Body: invoker onboarding body
    • "onboardingInformation"->"apiInvokerPublicKey": must contain public key generated by Invoker.
    • Send in Authorization Header the Bearer access_token obtained previously (Authorization:Bearer ${access_token})

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Onboard request must accomplish:
    1. 201 Created
    2. Response Body must follow APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails data structure with:
      • apiInvokerId
      • onboardingInformation->apiInvokerCertificate must contain the public key signed.
    3. Response Header Location must be received with URI to new resource created, following this structure: {apiRoot}/api-invoker-management/{apiVersion}/onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}

Test Case 2: Onboard Network App Already onboarded

Test ID: capif_api_invoker_management-2


This test will check second onboard of same Network App is not allowed.


  • Network App was registered previously
  • Network App was onboarded previously

Execution Steps:

  1. Register Network App at CCF
  2. Onboard Network App at CCF
  3. Store signed Certificate at Network App
  4. Onboard Again the Network App at CCF

Information of Test:

  1. Perform Invoker Onboarding

  2. Repeat Onboard Invoker:

    • Send POST to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invoker-management/v1/onboardedInvokers
    • Reference Request Body: invoker onboarding body
    • "onboardingInformation"->"apiInvokerPublicKey": must contain public key generated by Invoker.
    • Send in Authorization Header the Bearer access_token obtained previously (Authorization:Bearer ${access_token})

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Onboard request must accomplish:
    1. 201 Created
    2. Response Body must follow APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails data structure with:
      • apiInvokerId
      • onboardingInformation->apiInvokerCertificate must contain the public key signed.
    3. Response Header Location must be received with URI to new resource created, following this structure: {apiRoot}/api-invoker-management/{apiVersion}/onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}
  2. Response to Second Onboard of Network App must accomplish:
    1. 403 Forbidden
    2. Error Response Body must accomplish with ProblemDetails data structure with:
      • status 403
      • title with message "Forbidden"
      • detail with message "Invoker Already registered".
      • cause with message "Identical invoker public key".

Test Case 3: Update Onboarded Network App

Test ID: capif_api_invoker_management-3


This test will try to update information of previous onboard Network App at CAPIF Core.


  • Network App was registered previously
  • Network App was onboarded previously with {onboardingId}

Execution Steps:

  1. Register Invoker at CCF
  2. Onboard Invoker at CCF
  3. Store signed Certificate
  4. Update Onboarding Information at CCF with a minor change on "notificationDestination"

Information of Test:

  1. Perform Invoker Onboarding

  2. Update information of previously onboarded Invoker:

    • Send PUT to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invoker-management/v1/onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}
    • Reference Request Body is: [put invoker onboarding body]
    • "notificationDestination": "http://host.docker.internal:8086/netapp_new_callback",

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Onboard request must accomplish:
    1. 201 Created
    2. Response Body must follow APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails data structure with:
      • apiInvokerId
      • onboardingInformation->apiInvokerCertificate must contain the public key signed.
    3. Response Header Location must be received with URI to new resource created, following this structure: {apiRoot}/api-invoker-management/{apiVersion}/onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}
  2. Response to Update Request (PUT) with minor change must contain:
    1. 200 OK response.
    2. notificationDestination on response must contain the new value

Test Case 4: Update Not Onboarded Network App

Test ID: capif_api_invoker_management-4


This test will try to update information of not onboarded Network App at CAPIF Core.


  • Network App was registered previously
  • Network App was not onboarded previously

Execution Steps:

  1. Register Invoker at CCF
  2. Onboard Invoker at CCF
  3. Update Onboarding Information at CCF of not onboarded

Information of Test:

  1. Perform Invoker Onboarding

  2. Update information of not onboarded Invoker:

    • Send PUT to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invoker-management/v1/onboardedInvokers/{INVOKER_NOT_REGISTERED}
    • Reference Request Body is: [put invoker onboarding body]

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Onboard request must accomplish:
    1. 201 Created
  2. Response to Update Request (PUT) must contain:
    1. 404 Not Found
    2. Error Response Body must accomplish with ProblemDetails data structure with:
      • status 404
      • title with message "Not Found"
      • detail with message "Please provide an existing Network App ID".
      • cause with message "Not exist Network App ID".

Test Case 5: Offboard Network App

Test ID: capif_api_invoker_management-5


This test case will check that a Registered Network App can be deleted.


  • Network App was registered previously
  • Network App was onboarded previously

Execution Steps:

  1. Register Invoker at CCF
  2. Onboard Invoker at CCF
  3. Offboard Invoker at CCF

Information of Test:

  1. Perform Invoker Onboarding

  2. Offboard:

    • Send DELETE to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invoker-management/v1/onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Onboard request must accomplish:
    1. 201 Created
  2. Response to Offboard Request (DELETE) must contain:
    1. 204 No Content

Test Case 6: Offboard Not previsouly Onboarded Network App

Test ID: capif_api_invoker_management-6


This test case will check that a Non-Registered Network App cannot be deleted


  • Network App was registered previously
  • Network App was not onboarded previously

Execution Steps:

  1. Register Invoker at CCF
  2. Offboard Invoker at CCF

Information of Test:

  1. Perform Invoker Onboarding

  2. Offboard:

    • Send DELETE to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invoker-management/v1/onboardedInvokers/{INVOKER_NOT_REGISTERED}

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Offboard Request (DELETE) must contain:
    1. 404 Not Found
    2. Error Response Body must accomplish with ProblemDetails data structure with:
      • status 404
      • title with message "Not Found"
      • detail with message "Please provide an existing Network App ID".
      • cause with message "Not exist Network App ID".

Test Case 7: Update Onboarded Network App Certificate

Test ID: capif_api_invoker_management-7


This test will try to update public key and get a new signed certificate by CAPIF Core.


  • Network App was registered previously
  • Network App was onboarded previously with {onboardingId} and {public_key_1}

Execution Steps:

  1. Register Invoker at CCF
  2. Onboard Invoker at CCF
  3. Store signed Certificate
  4. Update Onboarding Information at CCF with new public key
  5. Update Onboarding Information at CCF with minor change

Information of Test:

  1. Perform Invoker Onboarding with public_key_1.

  2. Create {public_key_2}

  3. Update information of previously onboarded Invoker:

    • Send PUT to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invoker-management/v1/onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}
    • Reference Request Body is: [put invoker onboarding body]
    • ["onboardingInformation"]["apiInvokerPublicKey"]: {public_key_2},
    • Store new certificate.
  4. Update information of previously onboarded Invoker Using new certificate:

    • Send PUT to https://{CAPIF_HOSTNAME}/api-invoker-management/v1/onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}
    • Reference Request Body is: [put invoker onboarding body]
    • "notificationDestination": "http://host.docker.internal:8086/netapp_new_callback",
    • Use new Invoker Certificate

Expected Result:

  1. Response to Onboard request must accomplish:
    1. 201 Created
    2. Response Body must follow APIInvokerEnrolmentDetails data structure with:
      • apiInvokerId
      • onboardingInformation->apiInvokerCertificate must contain the public key signed.
    3. Response Header Location must be received with URI to new resource created, following this structure: {apiRoot}/api-invoker-management/{apiVersion}/onboardedInvokers/{onboardingId}
  2. Response to Update Request (PUT) with new public key:
    1. 200 OK response.
    2. apiInvokerCertificate with new certificate on response -> store to use.
  3. Response to Update Request (PUT) with minor change must contain:
    1. 200 OK response.
    2. notificationDestination on response must contain the new value